Next meeting – 8/29/13 @ Winter Building

Join us for our next DOVIA meeting – a partnership with the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service (“Volunteer Mississippi”)

*August 29, 2013 from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. at the Winter Building downtown*


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 Together, Let’s Get Things Done in Your Community
Learn how national service programs can strengthen your organization and community

The Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service (MCVS) will hold information sessions to discuss the availability of federal funds to support local national service programs and opportunities to access national service resources, including AmeriCorps State, VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), and Senior Service Corps programs. Educational institutions, volunteer centers, state and local government agencies, and nonprofit and faith-based organizations are eligible to apply for national service funding.

All sessions will be an hour and a half long.  Those interested in submitting an application for an AmeriCorps State program to operate in 2014 will meet for an additional hour after the presentation, for Nuts & Bolts of AmeriCorps State.

                                JACKSON             Thursday, August 29, 9 – 11:30 am

                                                                William F Winter Building, 200 North St., Jackson                               

AmeriCorps is a grant-funded national service network providing resources to Mississippi communities. Service program members pair with nonprofit and faith-based and community organizations and public agencies to build volunteer capacity and meet locally-identified needs. AmeriCorps members also recruit area volunteers to directly address core issues—education, disaster, health, veterans, and the environment—forging self-sustaining communities. To learn more or register for an information session, contact AmeriCorps Mississippi Program Officer Judy Stein at 601.842.6700 or

During the public information sessions, the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service is inviting informal comment from the public concerning the use of service and volunteerism as strategies to meet critical community needs. This input will be considered in the development and implementation of a national service plan for the State of Mississippi. Comments will be accepted during each public information session or may be submitted in writing by email to Comments should be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Central Time, September 30, 2013.

The Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service engages and supports Mississippians of all ages and backgrounds in service to their communities. As your state office of volunteerism, the Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service administers AmeriCorps programs, supports a network of Volunteer Centers, and coordinates other initiatives fostering community engagement and building volunteer capacity throughout the state. Contact MCVS at 888.353.1793, our website, Facebook and Twitter @volunteeryall.