Grants Available to Small Nonprofits

The Massage Therapy Foundation’s Community Service Program promotes working partnerships between the massage therapy profession and community-based organizations. Grants of up to $5,000 are available for organizations or affiliates of organizations that have been in existence for at least one year in the respective state or province, currently provide some therapeutic or other service programs to the community; and have designated a qualified staff member to oversee the program. Community Service grants are awarded to charitable organizations that provide massage therapy to people who currently have little or no access to such services.  Avg. Grant: $5,000.  Deadline:  April 1, 2014.

The EWOMENNETWORK Foundation exists to help small organizations make a big difference. In the spirit of “lifting as we climb,” the Foundation supports small nonprofits whose mission includes improving the emotional and financial well-being of women and children.  Grantmaking aims to encourage an environment of caring, healing, and growth for women and children by helping them achieve optimum potential in all spheres of their lives.   The Foundation awards individual grants of $6,000 to small, entrepreneurial organizations that address the health, wellness, and/or safety of underprivileged women and/or children.  Besides the cash grant, the Foundation will sponsor a representative of each recipient organization to attend a special grants program at the eWomenNetwork International Conference and Business Expo in Dallas.  Eligible applicants must have been in existence for over three years and have an annual budget over $25,000 and under $1 million. Applicants affiliated with a national organization are not eligible.  Avg. Grant: $6,000 .  Deadline:  March 31, 2014.