Apply for a Scholarship to Take the CVA Exam

We are excited you want to pursue your CVA credential! To help you, DOVIA Mississippi is offering scholarships to help defray the cost of the CVA Exam. Depending on the number of applicants, if selected, you might receive between $100 and $400. Scholarship applications are accepted year round. Use the form below when you are ready to begin your journey towards the CVA Exam!

DOVIA Mississippi can help you every step of the way. Start by becoming familiar with the CVA Exam process – we have created a whole page dedicated to getting ready for success.

The CVA Exam is administered by the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA), an international organization for volunteer engagement professionals across the globe. The CVA Exam is offered twice each year and costs $400. You have 2 hours to answer 100 multiple choice questions. Take the Exam online from any computer with an internet connection. (Accommodations for special needs are available on a case by case basis.)

  • Spring Exam applications and $400 payment due to CCVA by March 1
  • Spring Exam window = April 1-14
  • Fall Exam applications and $400 payment due to CCVA by September 1
  • Fall Exam window = October 1-14


To apply for a CVA Exam scholarship from DOVIA Mississippi, you must meet ALL the following requirements:

  • You must currently work in Mississippi as a Volunteer Engagement Professional. This can be full time or part time, paid or unpaid. You can work for any kind of organization (including as a volunteer manager for a business). However, priority will be given to volunteer managers working in small nonprofits.
  • You must be a paid, current member of DOVIA Mississippi (join or renew) and/or a paid, current member of the Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy (join or renew).
  • Once you have obtained by CVA credential, you agree to pay it forward by helping mentor other volunteer engagement professionals.


You must successfully complete all 7 items below BEFORE you sit for the CVA Exam. If you actively participate in all these steps, you will be eligible for the scholarship AND be more likely to pass the Exam!

  1. Thoroughly read the information on this page, including all the supplementary information. 
  2. Sign up for and attend at least one free CVA Exam Info Session. We want you to really understand what the Exam is all about. (Info Session calendar)
  3. Join and actively participate in an Exam Study Group. Since DOVIA Mississippi does not currently have a study group, we have made special arrangements with the Tennessee Exam Study Group which meets virtually. Once you apply, we will share your name and email address with Tennessee and you will receive an invitation to join the group.
  4. We will assign you a Mentor who already has the CVA credential. You should reach out to – and meet with – your Exam Mentor at least monthly, either by phone or Zoom. This person can answer questions, help you focus your study, keep you motivated, and help celebrate the steps to success. You are in charge of planning and setting your own goals and Mentor meeting times. Use all the resources you’ve got!
  5. Follow or like DOVIA Mississippi on social media. (Facebook)
  6. Follow or like the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration on social media. (Facebook / LinkedIn / X)
  7. You must pay for and take the CVA Exam within the next two exam cycles (the CVA exam is offered twice a year: April and October). If you are selected to receive a scholarship, DOVIA Mississippi will reimburse you or your organization AFTER you have taken the Exam, regardless of whether or not you pass.

Questions? Concerns? Comments? Reach out to any of the DOVIA Officers by emailing info <at>

Once you’re ready to commit to the CVA Exam, fill out the form below to apply for a scholarship. Good luck!

We will only contact you if we need more information or to notify you of your acceptance. We will reach out by phone if we cannot reach you by email.
Please give us the name of your organization or company and the city. (EX: ABC Charity, Goodville)
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.
Enter your name to indicate your understanding and agreement.